Global Gita (GG) is our contribution to promote academic Bhagavad-gita studies in various languages around the world. In general, we believe that the Bhagavad-gita has much potential to contribute to Global Ethics, being situated not only Geographically but also ideologically between East and West. On the one hand, its ethics being grounded in Dharma, Karma-Yoga and Devotion to the Supreme correspond with Western Ethics such as Aristotle’s Nicomachean Ethics, Emanuael Kant’s Categorical Imperative and Monotheistic Ethics. On the other hand, it corresponds with Chinese Ethics such as Confucian, Daoist and Buddhist Ethics. In our Academic Bhagavad gita edition we have simplified the structure of the text into what we call “The Three Storey House Structure”, and hopefully this idea can serve to unite cultures and ideologies.  So far we have published our Gita edition in English, Hebrew, Chinese and Russian and hopefully we will be able to publish it in more languages.