I am an Israeli scholar of Hinduism, a Graduate of the Theology Faculty and Wolfson College, University of Oxford, a former Visiting Fellow at the Divinity Faculty and Life Member of Clare Hall, University of Cambridge, a former Adjunct Assistant Professor at the Dept. of Cultural and Religious Studies and Visiting Scholar at New Asia College, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, a Teaching and Research Fellow at the Dept. of Asian Studies, The University of Haifa, head of the Hindu-Jewish wing at the Dangoor Center, Bar-Ilan University and an Associate Professor of Hindu Studies at Zefat Academic College.
My publications include the award winning book “Exploring the Bhagavad gita; Philosophy Structure and Meaning” (Ashgate Press, 2010), “Medical Ethics in Israel” (co-edited with Emanuel Theodor, Israel Medical Association Press, 2012), “Brahman and Dao; Comparative Studies in Hindu-Jewish Philosophy and Religion” (co-edited with Zhihua Yao, Lexington Books, 2014), The Fifth Veda in Hinduism; Poetry, Philosophy and Devotion in the Bhagavata Purana (IB Tauris, 2016) and Dharma and Halacha; Comparative Studies in Hindu-Jewish Philosophy and Religion (co-edited with Yudit Greenberg, Lexington Books, 2018) and “The Bhagavad gita; a critical introduction” (Routledge, 2021), a co-edited volume titled “Jewish Communities in Asia” (with Rotem Kowner), a monograph titled “From Dharma to Moksa; the ascending theology of the Bhagavad gita”, a book chapter on “Theo-Poetics in the Bhagavata Purana” and an article on “Gandhi’s Bhagavad gita commentary”.
Contact: theodor@orange.net.il