The Book “Medical Ethics in Israel”, co edited with my father Prof. Emanuel Theodor was published in 2012 by the Israeli Medical Association. It contains 48 chapters by leading doctors and theorists of medical ethics.
My interest in Ethics in general, and Medical Ethics in particular, springs from my desire to develop “Applied Asian Ethics”. This is an entirely new field and I see much potential there, although there is much work to be done. I have published a paper on the topic (in Hebrew) arguing that medical ethics could be seen in a different and new ways, applying Asian categories. In short, I suggest experimenting with what I call Neo-Brahminism and do that in confluence with Neo-Confucianism. This is quite simple to apply, but in order to do that, one would have to rely on Asian paradigms, and think in different terms. More about the confluence of Brahminism and Confucianism could be found in my chapter named “The Bhagavad gita and Classical Chinese Thought” published in my co-edited volume Brahman and Dao. Also, my chapter “Dharma and Halacha; Reflections upon Hindu and Jewish Ethics” (Published in Theodor and Greenberg, Dharma and Halacha, Lexington, 2018) also sheds light on this topic. Both chapters can be dowloaded from as well as the book (Medical Ethics) itself.